Sunday, November 27, 2011

American Music Awards

Last Sunday, I was lucky enough to attend the American Music Awards in LA.  It was an amazing show filled with lots of great performances. My favorites were The Band Perry, (who I'd actually never heard one of their songs before but their performance was all about the music and the voice. How shocking, right? No smoke 'n mirrors to hide behind, no dancers on stilts. Just talent!) Enrique Iglesias, Jennifer Lopez's first and second performance with Will.I.Am, Mary J. Blige, and LMFAO was a super fun and entertaining ending.  Did you guys watch the show? What were some of your favorite parts of the night? Afterwards, we went to the show after party, which was also really fun.  Although, I drank a little too much and was regretting that when I had to wake up at 5:30am for my flight to DC for the holidays. That was a little rough, but definitely worth it! Here are some photos of what I wore and of the night. Hope you like it :-)

EF xo

Le dimanche dernier, j'ai eu la chance d'aller au American Music Awards à Los Angeles.  C’était un nuit rempli de spectacles incroyables.  Mes favoris étaient The Band Perry (qui je n'ai jamais entendu un de leurs chansons avant la nuit mais leur séance a été tout sur la musique et la voix. C'est rare quand beaucoup d'autres sont quelque fois des feux d'artifice.) Enrique Iglesias, Jennifer Lopez - le premier et le deuxième séance avec Will.i.Am, Mary J. Blige, et LMFAO a fait une grand fin amusant au spectacle. As-tu regardé le spectacle dimanche soir? Que a été ton moment préféré du soir?  Ensuite, on a continuée la fête. J'ai bu un peu trop et j'ai regrettée mon choix le matin prochain quand je me suis réveillée à 5h30 pour aller à l’aéroport. C’était un peu difficile mais une très bonne soirée!  Voici quelques photos du soir! :-) 

Chris Brown

Kelly Clarkson

Pitbull & Enrique Iglesias

J. Lo

Katy Perry was channeling The Jetsons

Christina Aguilera



Get yo glowsticks up!

Cupcake Wars was filming at the after party. Little cupcakes with stereos, headphones, guitars. So cute but not gluten free :(

After party

Guitar pick ceilings

Rev Run from Run DMC


Friday, November 18, 2011

Shades of Beige

Happy Friday! What are your plans for the weekend? I'm very excited because this Sunday I'll be attending the American Music Awards here in Los Angeles!:

Looking forward to hopefully some amazing performances from artists such as Chris Brown, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Maroon 5, Enrique Iglesias, the list goes on of performers that are slated for Sunday night's show. I'll be sure to give you a full recap next week & hopefully get some good photos for you. Here's my look of the day for you! :)

Have an amazing weekend!
EF xo

Bon vendredi à tous! Que faites-vous ce week-end? Ce dimanche je suis assez chanceux d'aller aux American Music Awards ici à Los Angeles! Je suis impatient de voir quelques spectacles incroyables (j’espère!) par les artistes comme Chris Brown, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Maroon 5, Enrique Iglesias, etc. Je serai sûr de vous donner un récapitulatif complet la semaine prochaine et j’espère que je peux prendre des bonnes photos pour vous :) Voici le look du jour! Bon week-end!

How cool is this little Louis Vuitton set?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Some photos I love that all evoke something to me. Hope you enjoy & happy Wednesday to you all! :)
EF xo

Saturday, November 12, 2011